Just as buildings cannot be built without their foundations, it is not possible for ideas, politics, companies, economies and socio-cultures to have no foundation. At the same time, one cannot proceed without knowing the dynamics of a society, determining the target audience of a company, and considering the needs of an economy. Whatever field you are in, you are not far from science, data and figures. We, as Andy-Ar, have been continuing to grow with the research services we provide in many fields and to different institutions since the day we were founded.
“Do not forget that the one who does not research cannot know”
Best regards…
Faruk Acar
Faruk Acar, who is a researcher, political scientist, political communicator, and strategic analyst, is also a business person with hundreds of people working in the companies he founded. It has provided both partnership and reference to dozens of domestic and foreign investments made in Turkey.
Faruk Acar, at the age of seventeen, went from his hometown Bursa to Istanbul to sow the seeds of Turkey’s most prestigious research company Andy-Ar. After receiving university education in Sociology and Public Administration departments, he entered the sector as a pollster. Faruk Acar, who started to do his own business by becoming a partner in a small field company when he returned to Bursa with the experience he gained at every level of the research sector, established the Andy-Ar Social Research Center in 1999. It provided field research services starting from Bursa. The story of Turkey towards becoming a research company has gained a new dimension as the company moved its headquarters to Istanbul. This development will be a big step towards becoming not only a researcher but also an important business person who adds value to the Turkish economy.
In the 2002 General Elections, Andy-Ar, the third research company that made the closest estimation to the election results among 9 research companies, started to be talked about in Turkey by attracting the attention of the media. Not surprisingly, this situation enabled Faruk Acar to take part in TV programs as a researcher and analyst and commentator to be recognized by the Turkish public, both himself and Andy-Ar. When the dates showed 2004, Andy-Ar continued to rise as the second research company to make the closest estimation to the ballot box results in the Local Elections and came to the top as the research company that estimated the results of the 2007 General Elections three years earlier and has not given up its title again.
Turkey’s research company Andy-Ar broke a record in the world by ranking first for 11 consecutive elections. In the international context, scientifically, it obtained the closest election result estimation in the thousandth slice with 0.2 deviation in the 2010 Referendum, making it a reference to many international articles and university theses. In the June 7, 2015, General Elections, which were very critical for Turkey, Andy-Ar for the first time revealed the number of deputies, which was not included in the estimates of other research companies, as well as predicting the result in percentile and estimating the number of all political party deputies was one of Faruk Acar’s significant achievements.
Commenting on their success on this issue in an interview, Acar shared that on June 7, the researchers who spoke about the possibility of ruling the AK Party alone or coalition were doing oriental cunning by giving round rates. Based on this, he explained that by deepening the researches in the elections, they gave the number of all parties together with the number of deputies and that they served to the media that the AK Party could not be in power alone by getting 258 deputies 2 days before the election. The ballot box results were met with 258 deputies, exactly as Andy-Ar had predicted.
Faruk Acar, who has been in the back in the house of politics for years, found the projects and communication language of the campaign advertising agencies, where many of his customers worked, inadequate. In line with the demands of its customers, he launched Yine Ajans. Unlike other campaign companies, Yine Ajans became a campaign company that introduced an advertising model that harmonizes the locally-based communication language with the general strategy. In political campaigns, giving messages based on city or even district instead of general discourse has become the main strategy of Acar. Thus, Andy-Ar took the pulse of the target audience and besides the necessary campaign strategy with appropriate and scientific determinations, a healthy communication model was also created by the Agency, thus providing a structure that supports each other.
In his professional life for more than 25 years, under the umbrella of FACAR Group – Andy-Ar, Yine Ajans, Bilhassa Kreatif ve Münhasır Yayın, Faruk Acar has worked with; 2 Presidents, 3 Prime Ministers, 11 political party leaders, 7 party headquarters, 36 ministers, 44 metropolitan municipality and its mayor, 53 provincial mayors, 683 district and town mayors; 32 ambassadors from different periods, consular political bureaus; 21 international banks or fund companies, 8 Turkish banks and fund companies; 16 international or national media organizations; over150 international private companies or business people in the form of research, consultancy, strategy and advertising-campaign services since 1999 and continues to work.
Acar led or took part in the strategy committees of many different political parties and institutions. He has appeared in international TV channels such as CNN International, BBC, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Euronews as a moderator or expert researcher, strategist and political communicator in over 1500 broadcasts in Turkey. Before carrying out the campaigns of some major provincial and district municipalities in the latest March 31 Local Elections, he served as the campaign director of the AK Party and President Erdogan’s 24 June MP and Presidential elections. While President Erdogan broke a historical record in the context of voting with the motto “Time of Turkey” during this period, Acar witnessed this historical success by managing the campaign period, in the process of working in harmony with Erdogan.
In the last year, Faruk Acar founded bitividi Medya Inc, which encourages information sharing in one minute, on the way to create a new social media trend in the global context, and started the overseas campaign process.
Faruk Acar always stood behind the scenes and remained in the kitchen of the business, even though he was at the head of these teams at the point of developing the strategy, implementation, and communication model of the campaigns. Acar, who draws attention to his political, social, and economic readings with his intellectual perspective, gave panels, interviews, conferences, and trainings at dozens of universities and various educational institutions.

Just as buildings cannot be built without their foundations, it is not possible for ideas, politics, companies, economies and socio-cultures to have no foundation. At the same time, one cannot proceed without knowing the dynamics of a society, determining the target audience of a company, and considering the needs of an economy. Whatever field you are in, you are not far from science, data and figures. We, as Andy-Ar, have been continuing to grow with the research services we provide in many fields and to different institutions since the day we were founded.
"Do not forget that the one who does not research cannot know"
Best regards…
Faruk Acar
Faruk Acar, who is a researcher, political scientist, political communicator, and strategic analyst, is also a business person with hundreds of people working in the companies he founded. It has provided both partnership and reference to dozens of domestic and foreign investments made in Turkey.
Faruk Acar, at the age of seventeen, went from his hometown Bursa to Istanbul to sow the seeds of Turkey's most prestigious research company Andy-Ar. After receiving university education in Sociology and Public Administration departments, he entered the sector as a pollster. Faruk Acar, who started to do his own business by becoming a partner in a small field company when he returned to Bursa with the experience he gained at every level of the research sector, established the Andy-Ar Social Research Center in 1999. It provided field research services starting from Bursa. The story of Turkey towards becoming a research company has gained a new dimension as the company moved its headquarters to Istanbul. This development will be a big step towards becoming not only a researcher but also an important business person who adds value to the Turkish economy.
In the 2002 General Elections, Andy-Ar, the third research company that made the closest estimation to the election results among 9 research companies, started to be talked about in Turkey by attracting the attention of the media. Not surprisingly, this situation enabled Faruk Acar to take part in TV programs as a researcher and analyst and commentator to be recognized by the Turkish public, both himself and Andy-Ar. When the dates showed 2004, Andy-Ar continued to rise as the second research company to make the closest estimation to the ballot box results in the Local Elections and came to the top as the research company that estimated the results of the 2007 General Elections three years earlier and has not given up its title again.
Turkey's research company Andy-Ar broke a record in the world by ranking first for 11 consecutive elections. In the international context, scientifically, it obtained the closest election result estimation in the thousandth slice with 0.2 deviation in the 2010 Referendum, making it a reference to many international articles and university theses. In the June 7, 2015, General Elections, which were very critical for Turkey, Andy-Ar for the first time revealed the number of deputies, which was not included in the estimates of other research companies, as well as predicting the result in percentile and estimating the number of all political party deputies was one of Faruk Acar's significant achievements.
Commenting on their success on this issue in an interview, Acar shared that on June 7, the researchers who spoke about the possibility of ruling the AK Party alone or coalition were doing oriental cunning by giving round rates. Based on this, he explained that by deepening the researches in the elections, they gave the number of all parties together with the number of deputies and that they served to the media that the AK Party could not be in power alone by getting 258 deputies 2 days before the election. The ballot box results were met with 258 deputies, exactly as Andy-Ar had predicted.
Faruk Acar, who has been in the back in the house of politics for years, found the projects and communication language of the campaign advertising agencies, where many of his customers worked, inadequate. In line with the demands of its customers, he launched Yine Ajans. Unlike other campaign companies, Yine Ajans became a campaign company that introduced an advertising model that harmonizes the locally-based communication language with the general strategy. In political campaigns, giving messages based on city or even district instead of general discourse has become the main strategy of Acar. Thus, Andy-Ar took the pulse of the target audience and besides the necessary campaign strategy with appropriate and scientific determinations, a healthy communication model was also created by the Agency, thus providing a structure that supports each other.
In his professional life for more than 25 years, under the umbrella of FACAR Group – Andy-Ar, Yine Ajans, Bilhassa Kreatif ve Münhasır Yayın, Faruk Acar has worked with; 2 Presidents, 3 Prime Ministers, 11 political party leaders, 7 party headquarters, 36 ministers, 44 metropolitan municipality and its mayor, 53 provincial mayors, 683 district and town mayors; 32 ambassadors from different periods, consular political bureaus; 21 international banks or fund companies, 8 Turkish banks and fund companies; 16 international or national media organizations; over150 international private companies or business people in the form of research, consultancy, strategy and advertising-campaign services since 1999 and continues to work.
Acar led or took part in the strategy committees of many different political parties and institutions. He has appeared in international TV channels such as CNN International, BBC, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Euronews as a moderator or expert researcher, strategist and political communicator in over 1500 broadcasts in Turkey. Before carrying out the campaigns of some major provincial and district municipalities in the latest March 31 Local Elections, he served as the campaign director of the AK Party and President Erdogan's 24 June MP and Presidential elections. While President Erdogan broke a historical record in the context of voting with the motto “Time of Turkey” during this period, Acar witnessed this historical success by managing the campaign period, in the process of working in harmony with Erdogan.
In the last year, Faruk Acar founded bitividi Medya Inc, which encourages information sharing in one minute, on the way to create a new social media trend in the global context, and started the overseas campaign process.
Faruk Acar always stood behind the scenes and remained in the kitchen of the business, even though he was at the head of these teams at the point of developing the strategy, implementation, and communication model of the campaigns. Acar, who draws attention to his political, social, and economic readings with his intellectual perspective, gave panels, interviews, conferences, and trainings at dozens of universities and various educational institutions.